Tucked inside the Gifford Park neighborhood on 32nd and Davenport, is the 100-plus year-old Henry Yates School. Named for early Omaha business and civic leader Henry Yates, it housed an elementary school for decades before it became an alternative school. Since 2009, the structure hosted programs for refugees and immigrants. Omaha Public Schools (OPS) serves a sizable population of students born outside the United States for whom English is a second language. The programs were offered in partnership between the district and the community.
When OPS declared the structure as surplus and commissioned a real estate firm to list it for sale, the #SaveYates campaign was born. In November of 2020, Yates’ fate hung in the balance of seven votes on the OPS school board. Members had the choice between selling the building and all its history to a out of state developer for a much higher price to be turned into condos or to a local non-profit. They chose the community’s bid by a vote of 6 - 1.
Several organizations stepped up to become part of the #SaveYates campaign. Visioning sessions led to the creation of Yates Illuminates LLC, a coalition of nonprofit partners committed to providing adult education, employment services and a nurturing community.
In 2022, Yates Illuminates was awarded $1M from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) which will go a long way toward renovating and upgrading the aging building.
The future of Yates looks so bright, it illuminates not only Gifford Park but all of Omaha.