We serve our community by offering social, cultural, and educational resources in order to create an inclusive environment that uplifts every person’s possibilities.

A coalition of organizations that work together to elevate and promote the lived experience of our diverse community. We curate a space that cultivates educational, creative, and expressive opportunities for individuals to thrive.

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Yates Illuminates was created with the sole focus of activating the former Yates Elementary School for the community.

There is a vast wealth of knowledge and experience that comes with the backing of organizations such as the Gifford Park Neighborhood Association, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Metropolitan Community College, and partners like the Weitz Family Foundation.

  • • Provide meaningful programming to the community that enriches their understanding of the history and cultural traditions of Native American peoples of the Great Plains.

    • Revitalize the past through the arts and culture in order to energize the future for our youth.

  • • Client consultation

    • Youth academic navigator and career navigator meetings to connect out-of-school and disengaged youth ages 15-21

    • Educational pathway needed to earn a high school diploma and prepare for post-secondary opportunities and a career

  • • Year-round programming for youth (Science, Engineering, Arts, Entrepreneurship, and more)

    • Holiday market

    • Cultural events (Talent shows, Porchfest, etc.)

  • • Year-round productions

    • Community outreach programs

    • Support for local playwrights

    • Building and storage space for set design

    • Online classes, and more

  • • Case Management

    • Career and Economic Advancement

    • Legal Center

    • Youth Programming

    • Mental health and Peer Support

  • • Adult Basic Education

    • GED/ESL

    • Career exploration

    • Resume support

    • College for Kids and Teens

    • Weekend STEAM learning

    • MCC Explore: Lifelong learning for 55 plus

    • Diversity/Equity/Inclusion

    • Computers/technology

    • Health/wellness

    • Sustainability

    • Financial literacy

    • Reduce the feminization of poverty by eliminating barriers to employment for moms while helping employers diversify their workforce. 

    • Help moms who are unemployed or underemployed secure and achieve success in new career opportunities by offering one-on-one consultations and support services.

  • • Citizenship/ESL classes

    • Driving classes for women

    • Clothes Closet offers free clothing, shoes & household goods for refugees of all ages. “HomeDish” dinners create community through sharing food and conversation

  • • Provide resettled families with furniture and used household items

    • Teach basic cleaning skills

    • Provide critical housing advocacy for refugees who are struggling with substandard living conditions.



  • English as a Second Language, Adult Basic Education, GED to complete a high school diploma, life skills curriculum, associate’s degree course work

  • Citizenship courses, career navigation, entrepreneurship, financial literacy

  • Language lab, international reading room, theater arts, culinary arts and gardening



Nonprofits in the coalition help participants develop job skills, whether teaching new Americans to prepare pop-up food from around the world, how to launch a cleaning business, organizing and operating clothing, furniture and food pantries, and growing food. Holiday markets and creative workshops also allow individuals to develop and sell their crafts. Yates will employ clients as the property managers, cleaners, cooks, and security for the building.



Known for its commitment to new Americans, refugees from around the city are familiar with the historic offerings of Yates. The Gifford Park Neighborhood Association also maximizes the Yates campus beyond the school’s boundaries with a children’s imagination playground, wellness center, culturally oriented grocers, and community gardens.

  • In the spirit of the original transfer of the Yates property to a public entity, our private donor will use a Community Investment Trust model. Every member of the community that wants to, will have shares in the Yates property, and a voice in its future. This provides a unique opportunity to educate the community and build collective wealth. As Omaha “buys into” the building, the original investment will remain in the trust for ongoing rehabilitation.

  • Collecting rent will be a main source of revenue. Using a sliding scale, renters of the space will include: Bluebird Cultural Initiative, D2 Center, DO Space, Gifford Park Neighborhood Association, Great Plains Theater Commons, Intercultural Senior Center, International Council for Refugees and Immigrants, Lending Link, Metropolitan Community College, Midlands African Chamber, Refugee Women Rising, Restoring Dignity, and Youth For Greater Good.

  • We will develop nonprofit status to aid in securing tax exemption and funding through grant opportunities.

  • Yates Illuminates will continue to aggressively pursue financial donations, in-kind donations as well as pro-bono professional services. In addition, a portion of the original donation will be used as operating reserves.

  • Programming will support the upkeep of the building from maintaining the grounds to cleaning services and more. REACH will continue to assist with construction and updates to the building with the small and emerging businesses within the community.